Subject Leader: Mrs. Hayes is the RE Coordinator.
Our RE Intent Statement
We are a Catholic school and we are committed to the Catholic Faith, recognising and valuing every individual as special and unique in the image and likeness of God. Our Religious Education curriculum follows the Come and See scheme of work and teaches children about God’s love and their Christian values and this underpins the whole teaching at The Trinity. It also teaches children to respect and understand people of other Faith backgrounds.
Implementation of Religious Education in our school.
10 % of the curriculum timetable is spent in our school delivering Religious Education to our children. We deliver this through the scheme recommended by Liverpool Archdiocese, ‘Come and See’.
In our school:
- Religious Education will be taught discretely and developmentally. It will include the deepening of knowledge and understanding of key theological ideas and their application to life.
- Ample opportunities will be offered for children to apply and use their knowledge and skills in cross-curricular studies to deepen their understanding of religious truths and think creatively.
- Engagement with their own and others’ beliefs and values will help to develop good attitudes and dispositions so that children are instilled with a love of learning and a desire to go on learning.
- Engagement with difficult questions of meaning and purpose, which everyone has to face will enable them to think critically about their own questions of meaning and purpose.
- Offer the children a sense of self-worth through their experience of belonging to a caring community and an awareness of the demands of religious commitment in everyday life.
We do all of this through Come and See, which looks at the church and its teachings, the Sacraments and at Christian Living. Each area is broken down into themes and each year group covers this theme through a topic.